Interactive elements

Interactive elements are actionable and guide the user forward towards the information that they are looking for. Interactive elements can be buttons, links or tags.

Primary button

Buttons are used for interactive actions. They default to appearance that has dark text with orange border (or white text with orange border if the background is black). Primary style should be used only once per view for main call-to action.

Primary buttons in different states

Secondary button

Use the V-arrow from the VTT logo with text for secondary actions and links in the view. It can be also used for lifting content when multiple options for user are shown within one view. Secondary button ban be used on white and black backgrounds. The example image shows the use of secondary button in the context of an article liftup and a service liftup. 


Text link

Use the text link style for tertiary actions in a view. In hover and active state the underlining is thicker than in normal state. The example shows an industry listing where the second link is active.
